I am trying to align two minipages next to each other. The first minipage are informations in a tabular form. The second minipage is a photo. As you can see the photo is not starting on the same height as the first line of the table. How can I fix the position of the second minipage to have the picture align with first line of the table? Hope you can help me
\section{Persönliche Informationen}
\textsc{Vor- und Nachname:} & Max Mustermann\\\
\textsc{Geburtsdatum und -ort:} & 01.01.1995 in Musterstadt\\
\textsc{Staatsangehörigkeit:} & deutsch\\
\textsc{Familienstand:} & ledig\\
\textsc{Adresse:} & Musterstraße 1\\
\textsc{} &12345 Musterstadt \\
\textsc{Mobil:} & +49~(123)~4567~8910\\
\textsc{email:} & \href{mailto:max\[email protected]}\\
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