I'm trying to get this trivial proof of concept demo of pgfopts
to work and I keep getting inconsistent results. I have another version working in which the keys are handled with an .is if
handler and now I'm trying to use the .is choice
handler. I understand that .default
and .initial
won't work with .is choice
The default with no keys specified should be bold
. Loading the demo package with no keys given yields the correct result (the correct code executes, and the vector is bold). Loading the demo package with [vectors=arrowed]
still gives a bold vector and both code choices execute. Loading the demo package with [vectors=bold]
gives a bold vector, but the corresponding code executes twice. I can't see what's causing the problem.
Here is the demo pgfoptspkgtwo.sty
\setmathfont{Latin Modern Math}
vectors/.is choice,
% vectors/.default = bold, % won't work with .is choice
% vectors/.initial = bold, % won't work with .is choice
\typeout{pgfoptspkgtwo: You'll get bold vectors.}%
\typeout{pgfoptspkgtwo: You'll get arrowed vectors.}%
vectors=bold % this should be the default
Here is the demo document pgfoptstestingtwo.tex
% !TEX TS-program = lualatexmk
% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode