Is there a simple way to center the cell that contains "Q (2)" vertically?



            Title &Something &Something \\ \hline
            2. Apply the concepts of basic vector spaces topics to Rn and to the solution spaces of the ordinary
differential equations. & Q (2) &  \\ \hline


1 Answer 1


Since you load the array package, you may achieve your formatting objective by replacing the p column type with the m column type for column 1.

Whatever else you may choose do, please replace >{\centering\arraybackslash}wc{0.1\textwidth} with w{c}{0.1\textwidth}. Put differently, please drop the >{\centering\arraybackslash} "prefix" of sorts.

enter image description here


%\noindentn% redundant

        \centering % use "\centering" rather than a "center" environment
        %\label{1} "\label" doesn't have desired effect unless preceded by "\caption" 
        \begin{tabular}{|m{0.7\textwidth}|  % <-- use 'm', not 'p', col. type
             Title & Something & Something \\ 
            2. Apply the concepts of basic vector spaces topics 
               to $\mathbb{R}^n$ and to the solution spaces of 
               the ordinary differential equations. & 
            Q (2) &  \\ 

Addendum: Another way to achieve the desired vertical centering -- other than to use an explicit m column type rather than a p column type -- is to employ a tabularx environment and to run the instruction \renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}}. This works because the X column type defined by the tabularx package is is p-column with a "twist" -- the fact that LaTeX calculates its width automatically, as a residual.

For the following screenshot, I've done away with the \scriptsize directive (mainly because I don't understand its purpose) and replaced both instances of w{c}{0.1\textwidth} with c. The upper tabularx environment continues the baroque look with lots of vertical and horizontal rules; the lower tabularx environment removes a lot of that cruft by doing away with all vertical rules and using fewer, but well-spaced, horizontal rules.

enter image description here


\renewcommand\tabularxcolumn[1]{m{#1}} % for vertical centering
\usepackage{booktabs} % for well-spaced horizontal rules

      Title & Something & Something \\ 
      2. Apply the concepts of basic vector spaces topics 
         to $\mathbb{R}^n$ and to the solution spaces of 
         the ordinary differential equations. 
      & Q (2) &  \\ 

   % same structure, but without any vertical rules, and with fewer, but well-spaced, horizontal rules
   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} Lcc @{}}
      Title & Something & Something \\ 
      2. Apply the concepts of basic vector spaces topics 
         to $\mathbb{R}^n$ and to the solution spaces of 
         the ordinary differential equations. 
      & Q (2) &  \\ 


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