I have got the following code for a commutative diagram. I want the arrow from A times X to F times X to be dotted. I would really appreciate any help.

A \times X \arrow{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y

enter image description here

  • \arrow[dotte]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x}?
    – user230294
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:11
  • It worked, thank you very much
    – Elise
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:12
  • By any chance do you know how to make the dotted arrow bolder or the dash to be longer so its more visible
    – Elise
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:17
  • Well, you can use all the tikz keys, e.g. \arrow[dash pattern=on 4pt off 2pt,thick]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x}, or just dashed. It would be much easier tottery out if you gave a complete example that starts with \documentclass and can be compiled.
    – user230294
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:28
  • I have now edited the code
    – Elise
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:36

2 Answers 2


As I said in my comments (and as has been copied by another user in the mean time) you can add keys like dotted. For a thicker and truly dotted line you can use this post, the normal "dots" are just small rectangles. You can also keep the arrow heads small when making the line thicker.

A \times X \arrow[dotted]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y
A \times X \arrow[dash pattern=on 0pt off 3.2pt,line cap=round,line width=0.8pt]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y

\tikzset{thick true dots/.style={dash pattern=on 0pt off pi*#1,
line cap=round,line width=#1},
thick true dots/.default=0.8pt,
oricm/.style={-{cm to[width=1.5ex,length=0.8ex,line width=0.4pt]}}}
A \times X \arrow[thick true dots]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y
A \times X \arrow[thick true dots=2pt]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y

A \times X \arrow[oricm,thick true dots]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y
A \times X \arrow[oricm,thick true dots=2pt]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
 & Y

enter image description here

  • Thank you very much for all your help.
    – Elise
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:49
  • @Lazy squirrel: If the other user who copied your comments is me, I have the regret to inform you that while you were commenting, I was preparing my answer and screenshot.
    – Bernard
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 23:04
  • @Bernard I see. And if you had your answer first, and I would just have repeated it (regardless of whether I had prepared it while you posted yours), would that be copying? And if 100 users prepare an answer or comment, there will be 100 answers and comments? To be clear: copying in this context means repeating. If you think that this is a useful exercise then there is nothing that prevents you from doing it.
    – user230294
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 23:11

Here you are:



A \times X \arrow[dotted]{r}{\bar{q}\times 1_x} \arrow[swap]{dr}{q} & F \times X \arrow{d}{\epsilon} \\
& Y


enter image description here


To be complete, here is a solution with pstricks which gives an easy control of the size of the dotted arrow. Load pst-node and use the psmatrix environnment:

$ \psset{arrowinset=0.15, arrows=->, linejoin=1, nodesep=3pt, labelsep=1pt}
  A\times X & F\times X \\
 & Y %
 \ncline[linewidth=1.2pt, linestyle=dotted, dotsep=2pt]{1,1}{1,2}\naput{\bar{q}\times 1_X}%
  \end{psmatrix} $

enter image description here

  • Hiya, thank you for the help. By any chance do you know how to make the dotted arrow bolder or the dash to be longer so it's more visible.
    – Elise
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 22:37
  • @Elise: Unfortunately, I don't know pgf well enough to know how to do that. For me, the dashed version is acceptable.
    – Bernard
    Commented Dec 5, 2020 at 23:01

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