I have a main.tex document that I'm trying to import a separate .tex document of a different class. I can't figure out how to use the \import
command, more specifically how I'm supposed to write the directory you're supposed to put in the first argument.
My main.tex file is located in the directory C:\Users\(me)\T4 AE 457\Project 1
while the file I'm trying to import is located in C:\Users\(me)\T4 AE 457\Project 1\html
. My main.tex preamble and last attempt at the import command are shown below.
\import{./Project 1/html/}{DynamicStabilityAnalysisCode}
Something else of note is that the imported file itself has a nested import file in the same folder (html) called "getaircraft_real.tex", but that works just fine with the command \import{./}{getaircraft_real}
. The preamble and commands for the imported file is shown below.
\documentclass[class=article, crop=false]{standalone}
Thanks for your consideration on this in advance!