For the shown MWE I am using Lualatex (Babal: Default language is Arabic) + Biblatex (Numeric style for citation and bibliography style), I have the following issues:
The bibliography and citation styles are set to numeric, however, the generated bibliography does not give a numeric bibliography.
Language used for reference numbering is not unified along the whole document, it is generated according to the "langid" in the reference file, I use "langid" to sort references according to their language, so how can I select the language which is used to set reference nmbering?
When placing numerous citations within the same "cite" command for example "cite{ref1,ref2,.....}" not all citations are generated
Sometimes the citations are too much, so in order to avoid confusion I put each citation on a seperate line within the same "cite" command, also in this case the citations are not generated properly.
Also, in addition to generate numerous citations with page numbering, I used the "cites" command, yet this is also not working.
%Babel Package Settings%
\babelfont{rm}{Latin Modern Roman}
\babelfont[arabic]{rm}{Simplified Arabic}
\babelfont[english]{rm}{Times New Roman}
author = {ميخائيل، ملاك and الشاروني، حبيب},
year = {1969},
title = {المرجع فى قواعد اللغة القبطية},
address = {الاسكندرية},
publisher = {جمعية مارمينا العجايبي},
langid = {arabic}
author = {Browning, Robert},
year = {1983},
title = {Medieval and Modern Greek},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
langid = {english}
author = {Browning, Robert},
year = {1983},
title = {Medieval and Modern Greek},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
langid = {english}
inherit = {english},
and = {{و}{و}},
page = {{صفحة}{صفحة}},
pages = {{صفحات}{صفحة}},
references = {{مراجع}{مراجع}},
seenote = {{انظر الملاحظة}{انظر الملاحظة}},
{\item\leavevmode}% add \leavevmode to align English bibliography items RTL
% Always use Arabic digits for see note.
% Just to test if quotes work
\usepackage{footnote} % For footcite to work in talbes and captions fgures
%So as to have commas between consecutive \footcite command, declare after bibaltex package so as to see the command
\setfnpct{punct-after=true,mult-fn-sep =،}
%Start actual document %
All citations appear correctly upon using a cite command on each citation
Citation numbering appear according to the "langid" in reference definition, how to unify output language to a chosen language??
English numbering \cite{Browning1983}
Arabic numbering \cite{Sharoni1969}
English numbering \cite{bob}
Issue displaying the second reference upon putting each citation on a separate line
Issue displaying the second reference in the same "cite" command
Issue using the cites command
Issue using citec command on more than one line for clarity of coding
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