I was trying to adjust my table column width from a similar post here multicolumn tabularx extending page width. But this got me into another problem where the alignment of the header for the last three column is not centred over the last three columns.
I have been trying to figure this out myself for quite a while without much success. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Here is my code for the table using the package tabularx.
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{@{} l *{2}{c} *{3}{c} @{}}
$n$ &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{Old iteration scheme} &
\multicolumn{1}{c}{New iteration scheme} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{Rate of Convergence} \\
\cmidrule(lr){4-6} % left- and right-trimming
& $u_n$ & $x_n$ & $|u_n-1|$ & $|x_n-1|$ & $\frac{|x_n-1|}{|u_n-1|}$ \\
1 & 1.15489 & 1.04139 & 0.154895 & 0.0413883 & 0.267203\\
2 & 1.02536 & 1.00041 & 0.025363 & 0.000411711 & 0.0162327\\
3 & 1.00201 & 1.00000 & 0.00201099 & 4.34451$\times10^{-8}$ & 0.0000216038\\
4 & 1.00012 & 1.00000 & 0.000123976 & 4.44089$\times10^{-16}$ & 3.58206$\times10^{-12}$\\
5 & 1.00001 & 1.00000 & 7.46682$\times10^{-6}$ & 0.00000 & 0.000000\\
6 & 1.00000 & 1.00000 & 4.49177$\times10^{-7}$ & 0.00000 & 0.000000\\
7 & 1.00000 & 1.00000 & 2.70198$\times10^{-8}$ & 0.00000 & 0.000000\\
\caption{Rate of Convergence}
column type?geometry
package, please also include the corresponding settings in your example code.