The list of authors of a paper have affiliation information as well as notes for equal contributions and who is the corresponding author. In the field of biomedical sciences, the affiliation uses numbers, while the other notes use symbols. Something that looks like this:
Author Foo1, *, Author Bar2, *, Author Baz2, Author Qux1,†
1: Address of Institution A
2: Address of Institution B
*: These authors have contributed equally
†: Corresponding author: email@address
I'm using the memoir document class. Ideally, I would create a map of names to symbols and use the names on the list of authors. Reading the memoir manual I only see the \thanksmark
command. That's fine, I can work with that:
Foo\thanks{Address of institution A}\thanks{These authors have contributed equally},
Bar\thanks{Address of institution B},thanksmark{1},
Qux\thanksmark{1},\thanks{Corresponding author: email@address}
However, that uses \fnsymbol
for all the symbols, not the mix of numbers and symbols I need. I also see that I can specify a command with \thanksmarkseries
but I'm unable to create a new command that I can use with it. I wouldn't even mind having a hardcoded sequence, but I just can't figure out the right incantation:
# "pseudo" code that I know does not work