This questions explains how you can show the total page number of your document in the footer on each page, i.e. show a “page # of ##” instead of the default “page # of #”.

However, even though someone asked for that in the comments, it does not explain how to do that in a KOMA class. It has been suggested to ask a new question.

I use scrlttr2 for a letter, so I'd like to do the same. So how can I do it there?

  • Why does the class matter? Your example simply uses \usepackage{lastpage} which should work with ´scrlttr2` as well.
    – Ingmar
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 19:44
  • Yeah, sorry, saw that too (I intitially voted to close it as a dupe), but the answer I got here also helps a lot as it is more detailled.
    – rugk
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 23:37
  • 1
    This is not a dupe, because scrlttr2 provides its own solution. Additionally there could be more than one letter in a scrlttr2 document.
    – esdd
    Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 14:38
  • @esdd Thanks yeah, given the nice answer, it is indeed different. And yeah, actually I use multiple letters in there with mailmerge.
    – rugk
    Commented Jan 8, 2021 at 15:03

2 Answers 2


You can simple (without additional packages) redefine \pagemark to your needs:



\usepackage{blindtext}% only for dummy text





The scrlttr2 class offers specific commands for modifying headers and footers, through the scrlayer-scrpage package. The mwe below is a starting point. Note that there is no need to use the lastpage package, as the class provides the internal \lastletterpage counter.


\cefoot{Page \thepage\ of \letterlastpage}
\cofoot{Page \thepage\ of \letterlastpage}

    Jerry Garcia\\
    710 Ashbury St\\
    San Francisco\\
    CA 94117
    \opening{Dear Friend,}


    Jerry Garcia\\
    710 Ashbury St\\
    San Francisco\\
    CA 94117
    \opening{Dear Friend,}



  • Thanks a lot! I'd add after reading the doc on this to use \cfoot instead of \cefoot and \cofoot unless you want different versions on unnumbered and numbered pages.
    – rugk
    Commented Jan 7, 2021 at 23:45

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