I am having difficulties changing the font size of the matlab-prettifier
package. Here is a MWE.
This works great if I am okay with the default font size. But it's too big I think. I'd like to shrink it to something like footnotesize
For reference, I am compiling with LuaLaTex.
% Preamble
% ===========================================
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}
view([150 25])
ylabel('Temperature u(0,t)')
title('Temperature change at center of disc')
So I try do something like
view([150 25])
ylabel('Temperature u(0,t)')
title('Temperature change at center of disc')
But it shows up as TeX Gyre Pagella
(I think) and loses all syntax formatting. Definitely not the MATLAB editor font, like it shows when I use just style=Matlab-editor
. I also get a warning saying Font shape `TU/fvm/m/n' undefined. Maybe I am missing a font on my system?