I worked my way through the biblatex and apastyle documentation, but couldn't find a way to solve my problems. Maybe one of you can help me.

\usepackage[style=apa, sorting=none,doi=false]{biblatex}
text with \cite{Example.2002} or \footcite{Example.2003}

As shown above, I am using biblatex and the \footcite or \cite commands for my references. While using the apastyle in my preamble two main problems arise:

  1. Without sorting=none the bibliography remains empty. But I want an alphabetic order for which I would need to apply the nyt-option but then the bibliography is not attached.
  2. I want to put the year for both citations commands into parentheses. I tried to find a way through the authoryear-style which leads to broken references and even more problems. Is there a possibility to apply the parentheses in my example?

I read a lot of similar threads and I know that there are other approaches but I would to prefer to change as little as possible because it took a long time to get the current version in an acceptable form.

Thanks in advance!

  • Welecome to TeX.se. The the \bibliographystyle command isn't used with biblatex and is ignored. You definitely shouldn't be using sorting=none with the apa style. The apa style implements the exact APA 7th edition style, and is not really designed to be modified. You should be using \textcite not \cite for in text citations. For your footnotes, it would be simpler just to use \footnote{\textcite{...}} instead of \footcite.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 21:56
  • Thanks for the help! Now the bibliography-sorting is exactly as wished. Regarding the \footnote{\textcite{...}}-command: is it possible to add prefixes like "See" and "page X". Till now I used \footcite[See][P. 1]{Example.2014}.
    – TimSqua
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 22:15
  • The prenote with \textcite isn't really useful, since it puts it inside the parentheses. The postnote can be used, and it will appear (as per APA format) as Author (year, pg).
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 22:36
  • Ok, but that is something I can live with. Thank you very much!
    – TimSqua
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 22:47
  • I'll convert these comments into an answer to that the question doesn't remain unanswered.
    – Alan Munn
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 22:50

1 Answer 1


The apa style for biblatex implements an exact version of the APA 7th edition style, and is not really designed to be modified. You certainly should not be using sorting=none with it. Furthermore, the \bibliographystyle command is not used will biblatex and will be ignored. To use in-text citations with apa you should use the \textcite command. This will give you Author (Year) citations. Instead of using \footcite you can instead use \footnote{\textcite{...}} which will yield the same format inside footnotes.

When using an author/year scheme, the prenote is not very useful, since it appears inside the parenthesized year. The postnote can be used, and in the APA style, will appear with a comma after the year. Note that for the postnote, you should just provide a page number or a page range, and the style will add the p. or pp. automatically.

Here's a full example:

\usepackage[style=apa, doi=false]{biblatex}
See \textcite[529-531]{bertram} or\footnote{\textcite[579]{glashow}}

text output footnote output bibliography output

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