I have using LuaLaTeX V: 1.12.0 and how to do automatically missing characters in Math?

My LaTeX:

\tracinglostchars=2 % Warn if the current font does not have a character!
\setmainfont[Scale=1.0,SmallCapsFeatures={Renderer=Basic}]{Dejavu Sans}
%%% Math Fonts
\setmathfont{Dejavu Sans}

\title{Math Substitute Fonts}



ż 0 \times 0 \hbox{ and } \mathrm{ż}


Automatically substitute missing glyph with another in LuaLaTeX

When using \usepackage{newunicodechar} package i have need to declare all the glyps. Can I do the automatic substitution without declaring ё to be an active character?

I have need if missing characters in math automatically need take FreeSerif font.

1 Answer 1


If you want to introduce arbitrary text-mode characters in math mode, wrap them in \textnormal, \textit, \mathrm, \mathit or whatever is appropriate.

If you want a fallback font for math symbols, load it with \setmainfont and then load any symbols you want to replace with \setmainfont[range=...].

Here’s a MWE:

\tracinglostchars=2 % Warn if the current font does not have a character!
\defaultfontfeatures{ Ligatures=TeX, Scale=MatchLowercase }
\setmainfont[Scale=1.0,SmallCapsFeatures={Renderer=Basic}]{Dejavu Sans}
%%% Math Fonts
\setmathfont{TeX Gyre DejaVu Math}
\setmathfont{FreeSerif}[range=up, Script=Default]

\title{Math Substitute Fonts}



\[ \textnormal{ż} 0 \times 0 \textnormal{ and } \mathrm{ż}


This fixes a few problems with the example in the question, mainly setting the math font to the DejaVu math font rather than a text font, but also scaling the fonts correctly. Since you were selecting an upright font as your italic math font, I assumed you wanted upright math, and set math-style=upright instead. This uses \symup by default, but makes \symit available if you want it.

If you want a fallback font in text mode, you can try combofont or these solutions.

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