In my beamer
document I use L7x
encoding and I want to import tikz
picture, however, it doesn't work, so what's the best way to import it in my presentation? My idea is to make a printscreen of this picture in the document, produced by other document class, and then input it as a picture, but I believe there is a better solution.
The example of document, which doesn't work in beamer
\tikzstyle{c}=[draw, shape=circle, minimum size=25pt,inner sep=0pt]
\node at (0,0) (d02) {$x(k)$};
\node at (-1,0) [coordinate] (p1) {};
\node at (-4,-1) [c, line width=1pt] (d12) {$\uparrow 2$};
\node at (-5,-1) [coordinate] (p2) {};
\node at (-8,-2) [c, line width=1pt] (d22) {$\uparrow 2$};
\node at (-9,-2) [coordinate] (p3) {};
\node at (-12,-3) [c, line width=1pt] (d32) {$\uparrow 2$};
\begin{scope}[line width=1pt]
\foreach \j/\i in {0/1,1/2,2/3}
{\draw[<-] (d\j2) -- (p\i);}
and have any math mode content in a frame.