I would like to incorporate this diagram into my essay enter image description here

I am working with the \tikzcd package, and I have no clue how to make the diagram in that environment. The only problem is with the arrows that represent maps between the factors of the corresponding products. How can this be made?

Thanks in advance for your answers.


3 Answers 3


You can insert the \times symbols as arrows and act on the column separations.


% see https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/216042/4427
    every to/.append style={
      edge node={node [sloped, allow upside down, auto=false]{$#1$}}}


\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=1ex]
H_n (M\sep L; R) \arrow[r,symbol=\times] \arrow[dd, "i_*"] &[-2em]
  H^k (M\sep L; R) \arrow[rd, "\frown"] &[2em]
&& H_{n-k}(M;R) \\
H_n (M\sep K; R) \arrow[r,symbol=\times] &
  H^k (M\sep K; R) \arrow[ru,  "\frown"'] \arrow[uu, "i^*"']


enter image description here


I add my version using tikz-cd associated with the font clone of Times called newtxtext.



\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=.2cm, column sep=.7cm]
H_n (M\mid L; R)\arrow[dd, "i_*"] & \mkern-40mu  \times \, H^k (M\mid L; R) \arrow[rrd, "\frown"] 
&  &  \\
 & &  & H_{n-k}(M;R) \\
H_n (M\mid K; R) & \arrow[uu, "i^*"'] \mkern-40mu\times \, H^k (M\mid K; R) \arrow[rru,  "\frown"'] &  &   


enter image description here


enter image description here

  A \times B \arrow[d,xshift=-1em]\\
  C \times D \arrow[u,xshift=1em] 

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