I am using biblatex and biber. In my main text, I am happy to have the standard default \textcite
display, which (depending on maxbibnames may give the names of many authors). This standard default is also what I would want to see in the references (\printbibliography
However, I have one literature review table, in which I don't really want to see all authors displayed. This is partly because I want to fit the names into a tabular column, with more information on the right. Here and only here, I would really only want to have maxbibnames=1. easy?
Ideally, an even better version would allow me to invent my own \citemystyle
. I would want to add a journal abbreviation, like Smith et.al. (AER, 2021)
. I would add a field into my *.bib file for the journal abbreviation; and then,
(\citejournalabbrev{#1}, \citeyear{#1}}
where the [1]
tries to designate that citeauthorlastname should only grab the first author's last name.
I could then write \citemystyle{smith2021aer}
and it would magically work to give me Smith et.al. (AER, 2021)
I may be asking too much of biblatex/biber, but I have been surprised by its flexibility in the past...heck, sometimes the answers are even easy. if hard, please don't spend much time on this. I can just duplicate the text by hand.