I am writing my PhD thesis in Overleaf and have my supervisor making comments and tracked suggested edits on it on Overleaf. I have a series of very long chapters with many suggested edits and comments. I would like to save those comments and suggested edits in a safe format, in order to minimize the risk for me to accidentally lose them and to have the chance to go back to re-evaluate them once I applied them without losing trace of what was suggested.
If I try to copy-paste the whole file in a new .tex file, comments are not saved so I can't make a backup copy of the commented file.
If I download a zip file fo the project and then re-upload it again, comments don't appear anymore and edits seem to automatically be incorporated in the text without any sign to show where the edit was.
The comments are hundreds so I can't copy-paste them one by one in the lines of code and turn them in todo notes... is there a way to save them directly as they are so that I can always go back to them and not lose them? In practice I would like to always have access to some kind of view as it is shown below in the figure, either on overleaf itself or in PDF, doesn't matter where as long as I can see where the comments and suggestions were and I can create a file that I can store separately from the file I am applying the edits on.
Here is an example code of an empty thesis subfile
\chapter[short title]{long title}
Here will be many sections
On this line there will be a comment
In this line there will be something added after this
I ma getting increasingly nervous as if something was to happen to the Overleaf server or if I accidentally delete some comment or damage the file without having any other backup to go back to, this would be a dramatic disaster...