I am trying to insert a footnote to my document. However, the footnote is on the next page. Furthermore, the numeration of the footnote is wrong as well. Specifically, I have the my table set as a tabular
inside a center
environment to keep the table in-place within my text.
Does anyone know, how to fix this?
$N_V$ & = & Dimension des Eigenvektors $V$ &$\qquad$& $ V\textsubscript{k}$ &=& kter Eigenvektor der Korrelationsmatrix\\
$p_{sub}$ & = & Signal-Unterraum & $\qquad$ & $e(f)$ &=& komplexe Exponentialfunktion\tablefootnote{Dieser Term wird benötigt, um eine Fourier-Transformation mit dem Term $V\textsubscript{k}\textsuperscript{H} * e(f)$ zu ermöglichen.}\\
of yours close to the bottom boundary of the page? Can you provide some visuals of the two pages it currently is associated with?\usepackage{float}
to your preamble (if you haven't already) and then using\begin{table}[H]
instead of\begin{center}