I am looking for a nice state space representation. Does someone know how to place text left to the equation in a split environment? What environment should be used for the explanations?enter image description here


This looks nice
            \mathbf{\dot{x}}_z &= \mathbf{A}_z \mathbf{x}_z +\mathbf{B}_z \mathbf{u}_z\\
            \mathbf{y}_z &= \mathbf{C}_z \mathbf{x}_z + \mathbf{D}_z \mathbf{u}_z 
A -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}u - Vector 

B -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}z - Vector 

C -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}y - Vector 

D - Matrix\\

Here the spacing of the equation number is improvable
            \text{some text}\quad
            \mathbf{\dot{x}}_z &= \mathbf{A}_z \mathbf{x}_z +\mathbf{B}_z \mathbf{u}_z
            \text{another text}\quad
            \mathbf{y}_z &= \mathbf{C}_z \mathbf{x}_z + \mathbf{D}_z \mathbf{u}_z 
Here an annother approach\\
some text:\hspace{65pt}$\mathbf{z}=\mathbf{A}_z \mathbf{x}_z +\mathbf{B}_z \mathbf{u}_z$ 

some text:\hspace{65pt}$\mathbf{y}_z = \mathbf{C}_z \mathbf{x}_z + \mathbf{D}_z \mathbf{u}_z $\\ 

A -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}u - Vector 

B -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}z - Vector 

C -- Matrix\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}\hspace{15pt}y - Vector 

D - Matrix


1 Answer 1


For this purpose, I usually use the flalign of mathtools/amsmathand the \text{ } command of amsmath:


&\text{Equation 1} &\mathbf{\dot{x}}_z &= \mathbf{A}_z \mathbf{x}_z +\mathbf{B}_z \mathbf{u}_z&\nonumber\\
&\text{Equation 2} &\mathbf{y}_z       &= \mathbf{C}_z \mathbf{x}_z + \mathbf{D}_z \mathbf{u}_z& 

&\text{A -- System Matrix} &u\text{-Vector 1}&&\\
&\text{B -- Input Matrix } &z\text{-Vector 2}&&\\
&\text{C -- Output Matrix} &y\text{-Vector 2}&&\\
&\text{D -- Output Matrix} &                 &&


Please notice the initial and final &.

enter image description here

The centering of the equation number is more tricky but a solution is provided below.

EDIT : this is in fact a duplicate of Use flalign or alignat or align or similar environment to align to the left

EDIT2 : The expected result can be achieved bu using flalign only to get the flushleft effect and the single centered line number; and inserting the annotated equations in an aligned:

&\text{Equation 1}    \qquad &\mathbf{\dot{x}}_z &= \mathbf{A}_z \mathbf{x}_z +\mathbf{B}_z \mathbf{u}_z\\
&\text{Equation 222}  \qquad &\mathbf{y}_z       &= \mathbf{C}_z \mathbf{x}_z + \mathbf{D}_z \mathbf{u}_z

enter image description here

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