I'm trying to add MATLAB code to a beamer presentation, but using matlab-prettifier package numbering isn't showing. Does anybody knows why this is happening?

I'm not even sure that using matlab-prettifier is the best option, but I wasn't able to use matlab-prettifier or anything else. If someone has a better option to add MATLAB code on a beamer presentation, please tell me.

This is what I wrote:

\title{Titolo Presentazione}
\subtitle{Sottotitolo Presentazione}
\institute{Università di Pisa}



\frametitle{MATLAB code}
% create a file for output
!touch testFile.txt
fid = fopen('testFile.text', 'w')
for i=1:10
  fprintf(fid,'%6.2f \n', i);


1 Answer 1


Not a complete answer, but to help you quickly:

The numbers are there, but they leaked from the page. Try to compile using an adjustbox and you see them on the left.

\title{Titolo Presentazione}
\subtitle{Sottotitolo Presentazione}
\institute{Università di Pisa}

\usepackage{adjustbox} % <------------ added


    \frametitle{MATLAB code}
    \adjustbox{width=7cm,keepaspectratio}{ % <------------ added
        % create a file for output
        !touch testFile.txt
        fid = fopen('testFile.text', 'w')
        for i=1:10
          fprintf(fid,'%6.2f \n', i);
    } % <------------ added



enter image description here

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