I'm using babel to write in ancient greek.

I'm interested in LGR Latin transliteration, which is described in the following table (taken from here):

Everything worked fine, except for the perispomeni (as in ᾶ) and the dialytika (as in ϊ). Here's what happened:


\usepackage[greek, english]{babel}

\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, ¨i}


The last characters should be ᾶ and ϊ respectively.

How can I fix this?

Thank you!

  • 4
    I'm not an expert but shouldn't be used polyglossia package? From the polyglossia manual: 6.17 greek Options: ‣ variant = monotonic (= mono), polytonic (= poly), or ancient ‣ numerals = greek or arabic ‣ attic = *true or false http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/unicodetex/latex/polyglossia/polyglossia.pdf
    – Mafsi
    Commented Feb 21, 2021 at 21:20
  • 3
    No, no no...switch the green check mark to @egreg that have done a complete answer and more correct instead of mine. Please switch, it. Thank you very much.
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Feb 21, 2021 at 22:43
  • 3
    @Sebastiano, I've marked yours because I had read it first and it solved my problem. But I guess you have a point, and it was a noble gesture on your part.
    – rmdmc89
    Commented Feb 21, 2021 at 22:55

3 Answers 3


The perispomeni used to work. The fix is easy, though.

For the dialytika the character to use is ", not ¨.




\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, "i}


enter image description here

On the other hand, you can also directly input the precomposed letters with the diacritics (not with the combining accents).




\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, "i}

\textgreek{ά, ἁ, ἀ, ὰ, ᾳ, ᾶ, ϊ}


enter image description here

  • I can't contend with the " maestro " :-)
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Feb 21, 2021 at 22:20
  • 1
    Mind, that the \textgreek macro only changes font encoding, not the language. Using \foreignlanguage{greek} is preferred. It also selects Greek hyphenation patterns and performs adaptions for the non-standard Greek LGR font encoding, including making the the tilde character active so that ~a works as expected. See the babel-greek documentation for details.
    – G. Milde
    Commented May 13 at 10:01

Here, there is my answer done with greek.polutoniko package + the \ to have the correct \~a, and \"i.



\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, \~a, \"i}


I add the screenshot compiled with LuaLaTeX.

enter image description here

However also your code works fine if you use the correct commands.

\usepackage[greek, english]{babel}

\textgreek{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, \~a, \"i}


enter image description here


The \textgreek macro only changes font encoding, not the language. Using \foreignlanguage{greek} is preferred (unless you are compiling with XeTeX and LuaTeX and using Unicode fonts but still want the Latin transliteration).

The dialytika is input with the ASCII " (quotation mark) character.

The standard "monotonic" Greek orthography does not use the perispomeni accent, therefore the tilde character ~ is kept at its default LaTeX function: insert a no-break space. You can use a tilde accent command instead:

\usepackage[greek, english]{babel}

\foreignlanguage{greek}{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, \~a, "i}

If you want to write "polytonic" Greek or "ancient" Greek, use the "polutoniko" or "ancient" modifier respectively to tell Babel. Then, the ~ character changes its meaning in Greek text parts. E.g.

\usepackage[greek.ancient, english]{babel}

\foreignlanguage{greek}{'a, <a, >a, `a, a|, ~a, "i}

Caveat: Due to side effects, the re-definition of ~ is only done with 8-bit TeX (pdftex) and only in text parts with the language Greek (i.e. not in the argument of \textgreek inside an English text part).

Hint: after a first compilation, you can replace the Latin transliteration with the literal Greek characters copied from the output. Looks better, works better, is safe for use with Xe/LuaTeX.

For side-effects and details, see the babel-greek documentation.

  • 1
    Welcome to tex,sx. Commented Jan 9, 2023 at 18:03

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