I am trying to use my own style for footnotes defined with scrartcl together with the footnote-specific example labeling (i) for expex provided by epltxfn. However, whichever of the two footnote definitions is written last seems to overwrite the other completely, as in this MWE:


    \section{A Section}
    Some text and        
    \ex a normal example\xe
    Some more text\footnote{And here \ex an example inside a footnote\xe}

Is there a way to resolve this conflict?

1 Answer 1


In the expex documentation, the (very short) code of epltxfn is explained in a way that makes it very easy to create a version of it using your own footnote style. Or you could misappropriate the addtokomafont macro to add only the renumbering part of epltxfn to every footnote, like so:




    \section{A Section}
    Some text and
    \ex a normal example\xe
    Some more text\footnote{And here \ex an example inside a footnote\xe}

with an added numoffset to match the indent of your footnotes.


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