When trying to use \listoftodos with colorinlistoftodos and ocgcolorlinks, text disappears from the list of todos. To be precise, the text is still there, I can copy it, but cannot see it – it becomes transparent. Without the colorinlistoftodos option or without ocgcolorlinks, everything works fine.

Why is this happening? Is there any workaround?





Testing \todo{This is a todonote.}



1 Answer 1


This is an edge case for ocgx2 with the ocgcolorlinks option, see https://gitlab.com/agrahn/ocgx2#package-option-ocgcolorlinks

Graphical objects in the link text need to be protected with command \ocglinkprotect{...}.

In the code below, the corresponding command from the todonotes is patched accordingly:



            \ \@todonotes@caption}%


Testing \todo{This is a todonote.}



Another option could be hyperref option linktocpage, which turns only the page numbers into hyperlinks.

  • Thank you, that's exactly what I needed.
    – tomasmcz
    Commented Mar 9, 2021 at 9:46

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