I'm trying to make an environment for python code using minted, but I always get FancyVerb error. Here is my code:


\usepackage{color, colortbl}



print("This is some code example") 


I read in this this answer that this is a problem with this kind of package, which cannot be used with \newenvironment. Is there any way around this? I don't mind changing the approach completely, but the result I want is to be able to have a code environment that formats the text according to the desired language (in my case python, but preferably I would like to be able to reuse this for other languages too).

1 Answer 1


I suggest a different method, namely to use tcolorbox.




  listing engine=minted,
  minted language=#1,
  listing only,


print("This is some code example") 

print("This is some code example") 


enter image description here

It's not difficult to make the box tighter around the code, see the extensive manual of tcolorbox.

For instance, if I change the code to

  listing engine=minted,
  minted language=#1,
  listing only,
  sharp corners,

the result is

enter image description here

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