Say I drew an arrow as
\draw [thick, ->] (0,0) -- ++(2, 0);
and now I want to give that arrow a label, $v$, at its tip using a node
\draw [thick, ->] (0,0) -- ++(2, 0) node[right]{$v$};
This works perfectly well; however, I have also seen the use of "anchors" which have a similar effect
\draw [thick, ->] (0,0) -- ++(2, 0) node[anchor=west]{$v$};
It isn't clear to me what this anchor solution is doing differently than the first solution. It also doesn't make sense to me why "west" puts the anchor on the right... west is to the left not the right.
-- now tryanchor=south
andanchor = north
see where the anchor is created with reference tov