Consider the following code
\begin{center} \hskip 8pt
\begin{bclogo}[couleur=red!10, %couleur=blue!14, %couleur=blue!20,
epBord=2.5, arrondi=0, %logo=\bcplume, %\bclampe,marge=8,
logo= ,
%ombre=true, blur, couleurBord=blue!14, %couleurBord=blue!60,
barre=none, %barre=snake, tailleOndu=1.5
{\vskip -8pt {\color{black} ``The mathematician lives long and lives young; the wings of his soul do not early drop off, nor do its pores become clogged with the earthy particles blown from the dusty highways of vulgar life.'' \vskip -3pt \hfill \textit{---J. J. Sylvester}\vspace*{-10pt}}}
which produces the output
QUESTION: How may I add left and right margins so that the text does not extend all the way to the left and right hand limits of the box? i.e., to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
or similar to your code (size is to be specified in points, but without units.)