Hi i'm trying to create this table but i couldn't fix the headers, here my suggestion and what i wanted as output
my suggestions :
\usepackage{booktabs, makecell}
\caption{Individual ARDL model forecasting results}
\begin{tabular}{@{} >{\itshape}l
& \mcc[4]{1995:04-2005:03 out-of-sample period} & \mcc[4]{1985:04–2005:03 out-of-sample period} \\
\cmidrule(l){2-5} \cmidrule(l){6-9}
& \mcc{h=1} & \mcc{h=3} & \mcc{h=6} & \mcc{h=12}
& \mcc{h=1} & \mcc{h=3} & \mcc{h=6} & \mcc{h=12} \\
AR benchmark& 9.13& 2.99& 1.79& 1.14& 8.75& 2.77& 1.68& 1.19\\
Weekly manufacturing hours& 1.00& 1.00& 1.00& 1.10& 1.00& 1.00& 1.00& 1.09\\
my output :
command, if you don't mind?multirow
, I get the following output i.sstatic.net/0fvp8.png which is quite different from yours.