tl;dr: How can I -- in a .tex
file I'm writing -- add/edit the shorthand for an included bibitem which is defined in a (separate) .bib
I have a large, central .bib
file which contains lots of works by different authors. I use this as a bibresource in my .tex
files with a fairly standard bibliography and citing style and that's normally fine. I use biblatex.
I'm a student and occasionally I write works where I cite many works, predominantly from one (normally famous) author, and hand them in to an expert on that author. In these cases, it's common practice in the field to not use the long-form cite style but to use a two or three character shorthand. Many of these works I might want to cite in other writing using the standard long-form style.
Biblatex can handle this with the shorthand
field. So far in these situations I've had to adjust the bib file just for this one essay, compile, hand in, then revert the bib file again. This is not ideal. I can't set the shorthand once and leave it, because then it would be used in all of my writing including that where it isn't appropriate.
So I want to be able to set the shorthand for a given bibitem (from the included bib resource file) on a per-tex-file basis.
Notes on usage
I really value being able to use one citation command. I can just \autocite
everything and forget about it, the formatting will be taken care of for me. So even if there is a verbose ('ignore shorthand') \cite
command that I could use in some writing to avoid the shorthands, I would rather not use it if possible.
I like the idea of using the shorthand
functionality rather than a hack or other trick which produces similar behaviour. In a larger paper I could use this to print a list of abbreviations, and I can include them programatically in the bibliography. This is functionality worth keeping.
So, here's an example of the sort of thing I want to be able to do: