I include the number as \num{0.12368455}. I need to print '0.1237'.

How to do this...


1 Answer 1


With the the siunitx package you can use the option round-mode=places, round-precision=4 to obtain the desired results.

  1. If you only need to control the rounding for a few numbers you use it as an option to \num:

    enter image description here

  2. If you need to do this for the entire document you can use \sisetup{round-mode=places,round-precision=4} so that this formatting is applied for the entire document:

    enter image description here

  3. Another way of achieving this is to use round-mode=figures, round-precision=4.

    enter image description here


round-mode=figures vs round-mode=places

With [round-mode=figures,round-precision=4] you get 4 significant figures, and with [round-mode=places,round-precision=4] you get 4 decimal places. Here is a comparison:

enter image description here

Similar results can also be achieved using \pgfmathprintnumber:

enter image description here



        fixed zerofill=true,

  • @PeterGrill I'd suggest adding another example to the third paragraph to visualize the difference between figures and places, e.g. \num[...]{12.12}.
    – dgs
    Commented Jun 9, 2012 at 10:07
  • 2
    @dgs: Have added the requested info. If it can be improved in any way, please let me know. Commented Jun 10, 2012 at 7:29
  • Would you please tell me what option is responsible for printing 0.1234 as 0.123, while 0.12 should be printed as it is without adding an additional zero?
    – Diaa
    Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 22:59
  • 1
    @Diaa: I suggest you post a new question for that. If you are having difficulty chances are other will also so would make a good question. In the meantime you can use \newcommand*{\MyNum}[1]{\pgfmathprintnumber[precision=3]{#1}}. Commented Nov 4, 2019 at 23:26

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