I am trying to write the following simple table within one column under springer svjour3 format. It is not only overflowing the column but also producing lots of bad boxes. I have tried with l/c/r/manual width specification under tabular and tabularx respectively without success.
\setlength{\rotFPtop}{0pt plus 1fil}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Accuracy comparison %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% table caption is above the table
\caption{Accuracy comparison with similar approaches}
\label{tab:accuracy comparison} % Give a unique label
% For LaTeX tables use
\thead{Reference} &\thead{ Learning\\approach} & \thead{Initial\\movement}& \thead{Accuracy\\claimed(\%)}\\
\textbf{[1]} & KNN(K=1) & Walking/running & 93\\
\textbf{[2]} & Threshold & Walking & 72\\
\textbf{[3]} & Threshold & Walking & 87.5\\
\textbf{Implemented system} & Threshold & Walking & 94.45\\
Please help.
-- usingmulticol
-- please see the answer below