Is there a command \commandname, such that if you write

Latex code 1
Latex code 2
Latex code 3
Latex code 4

it forces that "Latex Code 2" and "Latex Code 4" start at the same vertical position, no matter how much vertical space "Latex Code 1-4" needs?

This would make some \only \uncover ... constructs way easier.

  • 1
    Beamer frames are vertically centered, but with option \begin{frame}[t] or \documentclass[t]{beamer} this frame resp. all frames are top aligned. Apr 10, 2021 at 20:30
  • Yes, but "Latex code 1" and "Latex code 3" maybe need different amounts of space Apr 10, 2021 at 20:33
  • Ok, what about a TikZ picture of fixed height, which holds all stuff and can show things one by one? Apr 10, 2021 at 20:40

2 Answers 2


Does it have to be a \command{}, or can it be an \begin{environment}? Allowing environments, you can just use columns passing the [T] optional parameter:


\begin{frame}{Sample frame}
    % column 1
    % column 2
      I'm vertically aligned!
    % column 3
    % column 4
      I'm vertically aligned!


enter image description here

  • \begin{environment} is also fine, but I need multiple slides, not just multiple columns. Apr 10, 2021 at 21:19

With tabularray you can set the table row height.

You can write your pieces of text as table cell text.


            \LaTeX\ code 1 could be longer and longer and longer \LaTeX\ code 1 could be longer and longer and longer
            \LaTeX\ code 2
            \LaTeX\ code 3
            \LaTeX\ code 4 longer than \LaTeX\ code 3

enter image description here

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