I have created two macros in TeXStudio to input figure and subfigure environments with the abbreviations/usertags \myFigure and \Subfigure respectively, as shown below.

enter image description here enter image description here

The Figure macro works as intended, showing up in the auto-completion marked with '(Usertag)', and inserts the predefined figure environment:

enter image description here

But when I try to use the Subfigure macro without the \my* prefix, nothing shows up

enter image description here

I've tried another macro with the abbreviation \abcd and that worked, too, so I don't think the \my* prefix is required. What am I doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


TeXstudio seems to ignore case for usertag completion and only accepts lowercase input, so you have to start typing \subfigure with a lowercase s:

enter image description here

That was actually also the case for your \myFigure if you continue typing:

enter image description here

In case you are using uppercase letters in the abbreviations to avoid clashes with other commands, you don't need to worry about that, since your TeXstudio macros are not LaTeX macros/commands, despite starting with \ as well. They are treated completely separately and may be identical to existing commands, as they aren't inserted in the code as-is, hence they can never cause any already defined errors.

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