I must begin by saying that I have read the manual. But maybe I've done a crap job of it.
I have three problems:
I want the values in the uncertainty values brackets to express as plus/minus. Instead, they only come as brackets.
I want the range units to NOT repeat. I am unable to do this despite specifying it in the preamble.
I want to add decimals in the uncertainty, but it gives me errors.
(Additional request) Can we convert all zeros in the document to a with a backslash across it or a dot at the center?
The minimal code is:
The temperature measured was \SI{14(1)}{\kelvin} and was observed between time points \SIrange{34}{90}{\second}.
%\SI{1.45(0.2)e-4}(\Molar} throws an error: "Invalid certainty in numerical input".
This is my output:
My OS is Linux Mint. My front end is TeXMaker 5.0.3 I use pdflatex 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.20.
, which was replaced in 2010 by the second one. I'm very doubtful you are using the first release: more likely you are using v2 with the back-compatibility options enabled. I'll cover both in an answer.repeatunits = false
is not working for you: it does for me. Could you add\listfiles
to your input and report the version line forsiunitx
from theFile list
you get in the log?