Is it possible to give the optional arguments in this command a comma-separated syntax, i.e. \ads{A,1,2,3,4} or \ads{A}[1,2,3,4]? (I think I'd prefer the first variant.) Despite reading all the relevant posts I could find, I haven't so far managed to figure out to how to apply any of the approaches here.


% A command to apply adscripts to a base;
% the sequential definition of bases is to avoid spurious vspace from empty over-/under-sets;
% the ordering is anticlockwise from bottom.
\NewDocumentCommand{\ads}{o m o O{} O{} o}{%
    \ifx#1t\def\baseA{\text{#2}}\else\def\baseA{#2}\fi% define the base to be text, if desired
    \def\baseB{\baseA_{#3}^{#4}}% apply subscript and superscript
    \IfValueTF{#3}{\def\baseC{\underset{#3}{\baseB}}}{\def\baseC{\baseB}}% apply underset
    \IfValueTF{#6}{\def\baseD{\overset{#6}{\baseC}}}{\def\baseD{\baseC}}% apply overset

1 Answer 1


Almost certainly this command can be shortened, but this is very quickly written and seems to work.


enter image description here

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