There are 15 pages of parallel text and a few familiar footnotes.

The problem is that all of these footnotes placed on 16th page (even if I defined footnote at first page). How can I place footnotes at the end of the page?




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      \pstart tons of text \footnoteA{some footnote} \pend
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  • I tried your MWE, for which thank you, only to get "undefined control sequence \beginnumering". Having corrected that to \beginnumbering the footnote appeared on page 2 of the document (page 1 was empty) and not on the last page. Please provide an MWE that actually shows your problem. Commented Apr 26, 2021 at 18:32
  • @PeterWilson, thanks. MWE was updated. The footnote is on 6th page, but footnote definition is on second page
    – Able Arthy
    Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 11:21

1 Answer 1


I have lost track of the re... packages but your problem seems to be associated somehow with line numbering. The following MWE (a merge of yours and my original attempt) does put the footnote on the same page that it is specified.

% reledparprob.tex  SE 594556



%\usepackage{reledmac} PW changed this for
\usepackage[series={A,B,C},noend,noeledsec]{reledmac} % this on OP's original MWE

%\numberlinefalse   % PW commented this out
      \pstart tons of text \pend
      \pstart tons of text \pend
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      \pstart tons of text \footnoteA{some footnote} \pend
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enter image description here

Perhaps Maieul Rouquette (maieul AT maieul DOT net), the current maintainer, maybe able to help.

  • Thanks a lot! I just pasted at the top of the document \firstlinenum{10000} \firstlinenumR{10000}
    – Able Arthy
    Commented Apr 27, 2021 at 20:27

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