enter image description here

How do I draw this kind of circuit?

   \node[and port, number inputs=1] (A) at (0, 0) {};
        \node at (A) [ocirc] {};
        \node[left] at (A.in 1) {\(x\)};
        \node[left] at (A.in 2) {\(y\)};
        \node[and port, number inputs=1] (B) at (0,4) {};
        \node[left] at (B.in 2) {\(y\)};
        \draw (A.out) -- ++ (2,0) -- ++ (0,0.28) -- ++ (0.5,0) (B.left);

This is incomplete coding. I tried as far I could. I am a beginner in circuitikz. Thanks for any help.

1 Answer 1


enter image description here

Here's one way to do it

        % Gates
        \node[and port] (and1) at (0, 0) {};
        \node[and port] (and2) at (0, -2) {};
        \node[not port, scale=0.5] (not) at ($(and2.in 2) - (2, 0)$) {};
        \node[or port] (or) at (4, -1) {};
        % Circuit inputs
        \node (in1) at ($(and1.in 1) - (3, 0)$) {};
        \node (in2) at ($(and1.in 2) - (3, 0)$) {};
        \node (in3) at ($(and2.in 1) - (3, 0)$) {};
        \node (in4) at ($(and2.in 2) - (3, 0)$) {};
        % Input wires
        \draw (in1) -- (and1.in 1);
        \draw (in2) -- (and1.in 2);
        \draw (in3) -- (and2.in 1);
        \draw (in4) -- (not.in);
        \draw (not.out) -- (and2.in 2) node[midway, below] {\(z'\)};
        % Input labels
        \node at (in1) {\(x\)};
        \node at (in2) {\(y\)};
        \node at (in3) {\(y\)};
        \node at (in4) {\(z\)};
        % Output wires from first round of gates
        \draw (and1.out) -- ++ (1, 0) |- (or.in 1) node[midway, above right] {\(xy\)};
        \draw (and2.out) -- ++ (1, 0) |- (or.in 2) node[midway, below right] {\(yz'\)};
        % Final output
        \draw (or.out) -- ++ (1, 0) node[right] {\(xy + yz'\)};

This makes use of |- which, along with -| allow you to project out a single coordinate. That is (A |- B) has the same x coordinate as the node (A) and the same y coordinate as the node (B). Similarly (A -| B) has the same x coordinate as (B) and the same y coordinate as (A).

  • I think that you can shorten your code by replacing \draw (and1.out) -- ($(and1.out) + (1, 0)$) -- ($(and1.out) + (1, 0)$) by \draw (and1.out) --++ (1, 0), with no need to use the calc library here.
    – SebGlav
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 15:40
  • Yes, you are correct. I'll change it as I think that is nicer. I just default to the calc library out of habit
    – Willoughby
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 15:45
  • Still, I don't understand why you let a redundancy. \draw (and1.out) -- ++ (1, 0) -- (and1.out) ++ (1, 0) means that you go back and forth. Why wouldn't you just use \draw (and1.out) -- ++ (1, 0)? It's no big deal, but it keeps me intrigued.
    – SebGlav
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 15:49
  • 1
    You are correct again, I've changed it
    – Willoughby
    Commented Apr 30, 2021 at 15:58

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