Following code produces something like this:

enter image description here


\infer[(\implies I)]
 (q \land r \land ¬s ) \implies ( u \lor r )
 \infer[(\lor I r)]
  \\u \lor r
  \infer[(\land E_{2} r)]
   q \land r

Please help me to make it more readable, so lines are not grouped so much and there is bigger offset between lines. Like this:

enter image description here

Or the upper two lines are longer, like the botton one. Thank you.

2 Answers 2


There are two adjustments that can be made:

(1) the vertical line separation, and

(2) the horizontal labels space.


% !TeX TS-program = pdflatex



\noindent Original setup \\ 
\infer[(\implies I)]
    (q \land r \land ¬s ) \implies ( u \lor r )
    \infer[(\lor I r)]
        \\u \lor r
        \infer[(\land E_{2} r)]
            q \land r
\noindent Increase the line separation \\
\setlength{\inferLineSkip}{6pt}  % increase the lines skip added <<<<<<

\infer[(\implies I)]
    (q \land r \land ¬s ) \implies ( u \lor r )
    \infer[(\lor I r)]
        \\u \lor r
        \infer[(\land E_{2} r)]
            q \land r


\noindent And also  increase the labels separation \\

\setlength{\inferLabelSkip}{20pt} % <<<<<<< added

\infer[(\implies I)]
    (q \land r \land ¬s ) \quad \implies \quad ( u \lor r ) %changed <<<<<<<<<<<<
    \infer[(\lor I r)]
        \\u \lor r
        \infer[(\land E_{2} r)]
            q \land r


With bussproofs:



\AxiomC{$q\land r\mathstrut$}     \RightLabel{$(\land E_2r)$}
\UnaryInfC{$rr\mathstrut$}        \RightLabel{$(\lor Ir)$}
\UnaryInfC{$u\lor r\mathstrut$}   \RightLabel{($\Rightarrow I$)}
\UnaryInfC{$(q\land r\land \lnot s)\Rightarrow(u\lor r)$}


enter image description here

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