I need words from the glossary to be counted in the texcount when they're used in the body of the document.
I have to include a word count in my thesis. I've edited the \quickwordcount{} function to only include the main chapters. But I've noticed it doesn't include words that I've included from the glossary using \gls{} or glossary descriptions I've included using \glsdesc{}. I need those words included in the final count and I can't seem to figure out how to add them. This is my \quickwordcount{} function:
\immediate\write18{texcount -1 -sum -merge -q -inc -template="{hword}" "1 introduction.tex" "2 preparation.tex" "3 implementation.tex" "4 evaluation.tex" "5 conclusion.tex" 6 output.bbl > #1-words.sum}%
\input{#1-words.sum} words
This is a minimal example:
testing this \gls{TP} \glsdesc{TP}
It's counting "testing this" as two words and then the glossary entry as one and the description as one.
This is due in a couple of days and is really stressing me out. Thanks in advance for any help!