It seems that you want a book, were as usual, the main matter pages have arabic numbers while front pages have roman numbers, except the page title, that obviously do not need any numeration.
If this is true, well... then just make a book with the scrbook
class, add a front matter with a tittle, and finally a main matter with chapters o whatever, but without messing with page counters:
\documentclass[article]{scrbook}% or \documentclass{book}
% \usepackage{clrdblpg} % for book only
\maketitle % Title page (i) and blank page (ii)
\tableofcontents % page iii and blank page (iv)
\chapter{bar} % page 1 and blank page (2)
\chapter{baz} % page 3
With the standard book
class the blank pages have the same numeration, but numbers are not suppressed in blank pages. Using \usepackage{clrdblpg}
the result will be the same at this respect.