I want to be able to use the fonts of my OS when creating PDFs. After reading a but, I've come to understand that this requires me to use XeLaTeX (instead of plain LaTeX) and the package \fontspec. I use MixTeX and Winedt 10. I've managed to change to all desired fonts - so far, so good. However, after running XeLaTex in Winedt, I am not allowed to created a DVI, which I could then in turn into a PDF. In fact, I don't manage to create a PDF at all - the only option I can choose is "PDF Preview" (the option PDFLaTeX crashes), and while this PDF-preview shows the desired font, I also lacks many features of the figures (in the case below a syntactic tree created with the package \xyling)
How do I create an actual PDF after running XeLaTeX, and how do I make sure it includes figures?
Here is a MWE:
Some text
\Tree { & \K{CP}\B{dl}\B{dr} \\ \K{C$^0$}\Below{[+Top, +Foc]}\Below{\textbf{verb}} && \K{TP}}