There appears to be horizontal dotted lines that are overlapping with the elements of my matrix. I encountered the same issue with the vertical lines but I managed to use \Vdotsfor{1} and it worked. However, I tried to use \Hdotsfor{1} for the horizontal lines but I received an error of mismatch. Therefore, I hope there is some way to fix this and I hope to know why this issue happened. Here's the full code:




Here is what I am obtaining:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You need to add the & and use \Cdots and \Vdots.

Or, if you use \NiceMatrixOptions {renew-dots}, keep using \cdots and \vdots.

... them must be used alone in the cell of the array and it draws a dotted line between the first non-empty cells. (manual p.19)


Use this code:



        a_{1,1}x_{1}+a_{1,2}x_{2}+  &\Cdots &+a_{1,j}x_{j}+ &\Cdots &+a_{1,n}x_{n}+y_{1}\\ 
                            &       &\Vdots                 &       &                   \\
        a_{i,1}x_{1}+a_{i,2}x_{2}+  &\Cdots &+a_{i,j}x_{j}+ &\Cdots &+a_{i,n}x_{n}+y_{i}\\ 
                            &       &\Vdots                 &       &                   \\
        a_{m,1}x_{1}+a_{m,2}x_{2}+  &\Cdots &+a_{m,j}x_{j}+ &\Cdots &+a_{m,n}x_{n}+y_{m}


Using the  options renew-dots and renew-matrix

    a_{1,1}x_{1}+a_{1,2}x_{2}+  &\cdots &+a_{1,j}x_{j}+ &\cdots &+a_{1,n}x_{n}+y_{1}\\ 
                                &       &\vdots         &       &                   \\
    a_{i,1}x_{1}+a_{i,2}x_{2}+  &\cdots &+a_{i,j}x_{j}+ &\cdots &+a_{i,n}x_{n}+y_{i}\\ 
                                &       &\vdots         &       &                   \\
    a_{m,1}x_{1}+a_{m,2}x_{2}+  &\cdots &+a_{m,j}x_{j}+ &\cdots &+a_{m,n}x_{n}+y_{m}
  • Thank you very much, I was aware of a recent update that involved the use of \cdots instead of \Cdots but I think I forgot. Thank you once more I will be more aware next time :) Commented May 9, 2021 at 15:35

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