I'm trying to reproduce the preface page ornament design of the Westlake's How to write letters book. This is a capture of that page with the decoration:enter image description here

In doing so, I've used the pgfornament package, from which I selected a pair of ornaments so I can join them to reproduce that antique ornament. Here is the code:



    {\LARGE\sc Some title}


This is the result: enter image description here

However, I do not know how to adjsut automatically the distance between the ornaments. Every time the scale or the ornament number is changed, the distance has to be adjusted manually changing the value of \hspace{}. Also, the \parbox{} size gives the same trouble when those features are changed.

Could anyone help me to fix that in order to get this things sorted out automatically or more efficiently?

Note. I think the package tikz would help, but I'm not sure how to use it. All I know about tikz is summarised in the next code:

            \node[rotate=0] (a) {\pgfornament[scale=0.5]{55}};
            \node[rotate=0] (b) {\pgfornament[scale=0.5]{56}};

The latter produces the former problems but quite similar results:

enter image description here

  • You can reproduce the box with \fbox{\pgfornament[scale=0.5]{55}\!\!\pgfornament[scale=0.5]{56}}, but I do not know if there is a simple way to know the negative space one has to insert. In principle the ornament codes have a code for use as bounding box (\ubb), but this only seems to get used in one of the actual ornaments.
    – user242026
    Commented May 15, 2021 at 4:02

1 Answer 1


The pgfornament package has a width option, where one can define how much horizontal space a decoration will take.

Using that, and streamlining your example, I could produce a couple of pages looking something like this--


with something like this piece of code:


            \pgfornament[width=45mm]{56} }}\\[20mm]
         {\LARGE\scshape Some title}


            \pgfornament[width=45mm]{46} }}\\[20mm]
         {\LARGE\scshape A new title}


where \hfil nicely arranges a pair of decorations (each of width=45mm) inside the \parbox{95mm}.

We may choose [not] to use the interim \hfil if we [do not] want a space between the two decorations. The first page does not, while the second does use the intermediate \hfil.


When compiling in Overleaf, I am getting a space in-between the two decorations (as the OP comments), even if the first one ended with a %.

The package option inner sep=0pt mentioned in p.12-13 of the manual used within a tikz node can be an option to rescue in this case.

Also note the symmetry=v option which adds the freedom to mirror any decoration without the necessity to have the specific pair in the library.


          \node[left,inner sep=0pt]  at (0,0)  
          \node[right,inner sep=0pt] at (0,0) 
         {\LARGE\scshape Some title}

  • Hello, Partha. I tried your solution but I didn't get the same result: the ornaments still separated from each other. I thought it was my tex version but copying the same first part code in overleaf the result was just the same :( Any alternative? Commented May 17, 2021 at 21:39
  • My LaTeX version did not show the gap, but strangely Overleaf did. It might have to do with the package version... not sure. Anyway, edited the post to address the issue.
    – Partha D.
    Commented May 18, 2021 at 1:56

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