The context
I'm currently enrolled in a Database course. In that course, we are using RelaX, a relational algebra calculator. In that calculator, you can use UTF-8 characters as operators. The following is an allowed query: π price σ model = 2001 Laptop
. There also some other operators: π
, σ
, ρ
, ←
, →
, τ
, γ
, ∧
, ∨
, ¬
, =
, ≠
, ≥
, ≤
, ∩
, ∪
, ÷
, -
, ⨯
, ⨝
, ⟕
, ⟖
, ⟗
, ⋉
, ⋊
and ▷
I am working on a homework assignment that involves writing queries in that site. For this reason, I would like to accomplish the following. First, let me introduce some things that would help you understand my question.
I know that it is possible to use UTF-8 characters within my document by using LuaLaTeX.
\setmathfont[math-style=upright]{XITS Math}
$A ⨝ B$
I also know that it is possible to typeset inline math in minted
\begin{minted}[escapeinside=||, mathescape = true]{text}
foo |$\pi$| bar
I can put together those knowledges and accomplish the following: Insert UTF-8 characters in minted
\setmathfont[math-style=upright]{XITS Math}
\begin{minted}[escapeinside=||, mathescape = true]{text}
foo |$⨝$| bar
However, I would like to get rid of the |$
and $|
part within the minted
environment. Thus, I would be able to copy queries from RelaX to my document without the need of previously formatting the query.
Note that the ⨝
character is not correctly displayed when using the fontspec
package and setting a font for monospaced characters with \setmonofont{...}
. (see minimal working below)
\setmonofont{CMU Typewriter Text}
This is displayed:
├── common.yaml
└── virtual
├── false.yaml
└── true.yaml
This is not correctly displayed: ⨝
I think this happens because ⨝
is not supported by CMU Typewriter Text
. This leads to my question.
The question
Is there any monospace font supported by LuaLaTeX that would display all those characters that I mentioned (namely, π
, σ
, ρ
, ←
, →
, τ
, γ
, ∧
, ∨
, ¬
, =
, ≠
, ≥
, ≤
, ∩
, ∪
, ÷
, -
, ⨯
, ⨝
, ⟕
, ⟖
, ⟗
, ⋉
, ⋊
and ▷