I know this isn't standard practice, but I need to put the title page of some special document on the back of the first page (i.e on the second page), so the extra white margin appears on the right side instead of the left part. The first page should stay empty. Here's a MWE to try:
\definecolor{backgroundcolor}{RGB}{160, 180, 180}
\definecolor{andcolor}{RGB}{230, 255, 255}
\definecolor{subtitle}{RGB}{230, 255, 255}
{\fontsize{68}{0}\selectfont{Some Big Title}} \\[0.6\baselineskip]
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
\draw[line width = 1in,color = white] ($(current page.north west) + (0.25in,0.25in)$) rectangle ($(current page.south east) + (0.25in,-0.25in)$);
\draw[line width = 0.25pt,color = black] ($(current page.north west) + (0.75in,-0.25in)$) rectangle ($(current page.south east) + (-0.25in,0.25in)$);
\draw[line width = 1pt,color = white] ($(current page.north west) + (1in,-0.5in)$) rectangle ($(current page.south east) + (-0.5in,0.5in)$);
A section\dotfill iii
Some comments\dotfill vii
One more thing\dotfill ix
So what commands should I add to this example to draw the title page on page 2 instead of page 1?