I am writing an algorithm, where the Input has two lines. I first tried with itemize environment, later substitued with algorithmic for uniform look-and-feel. The problem is, the counter in the actual algorithm now starts with 3. To solve, I put it within another algorithmic (those lines are marked with % Comment out this line). This solves the numbering issues, but adds the issue of indentation (now it looks likes those are the lines under Output).

I have this minimal working example:




                    \item Something in line 1
                    \item Something in line 2
            \Output {Suppose something is in here}
            \begin{algorithmic}[1] % Comment out this line 
                \State Here goes the actual algorithm
                \State Now the next step
                \State This step, and we are done
                \State \Return {Here you go}
            \end{algorithmic} % Comment out this line 

Questions (all about indentation):

  1. Notice the lines within Input do not have equal indentation (line 2 is shifted to the left a bit more). How can I fix that?
  2. How can I reduce the indentation the steps in the actual algorithm given the current version?
  3. (Alternate to 2, getting an answer to at least one would suffice). The indentation in question 2 goes away if the marked lines are commented out. In this case, how can I reset the algorithm number back to 1?
  • Is the following closer to the expected output or do you want to keep the two "Input" lines numbered? i.sstatic.net/a5LXA.png
    – leandriis
    Commented May 30, 2021 at 9:17
  • @leandriis That will work. Line numbering inside Input is not essential (but desirable).
    – hola
    Commented May 30, 2021 at 9:31

1 Answer 1


Here are two suggestions. Probably one of them suits your needs:

enter image description here




            \Input Something in line 1
                   Something in line 2 
            \Output {Suppose something is in here}
                \State Here goes the actual algorithm
                \State Now the next step
                \State This step, and we are done
                \State \Return {Here you go} 

            \item Something in line 1 
            \item  Something in line 2 \setcounter{ALG@line}{0}
            \Output {Suppose something is in here}
                \State Here goes the actual algorithm
                \State Now the next step
                \State This step, and we are done
                \State \Return {Here you go} 


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