I would like to draw the logic circuit but I have some problems. This is my sample code.


(0,2)   node (myand1) [and port]{}
(myand1.out)  node (Y1)[anchor=south west]  {$A \cdot B$}
(myand1.in 1) node (A1)     [anchor=east,xshift=-1cm]{A}
(myand1.in 2) node (B1)     [anchor=east,xshift=-1cm]{B} 

(0,1)         node (mynot1) [not port] {} 
(mynot1.out)  node (Ybar)    [anchor=south west]   {}

(2,0)   node (myand2) [and port]{}
(myand2.out)  node (Y2)[anchor=south west,xshift=0.5cm,yshift=-0.5cm]  {$\overline{B} \cdot A$}
(myand2.in 1) node (B2) [anchor=south east]   {$\overline{B}$}

(4,1)   node (myor3) [or port]{}
(myor3.out)  node (Y3)[anchor=south west]  {$A \cdot B + \overline{B} \cdot A$};

%draw line
\draw (myand1.in 1) -- (A1);
\draw (myand1.in 2) -- (B1);
\draw (myand1.in 2) |- (mynot1.in);
\draw (mynot1.out) |- (myand2.in 1) ;

\draw (myand2.out) -| (myor3.in 2);
\draw (myand1.out) -| (myor3.in 1);
\node (Ah1)[xshift=1cm] at (A1) {$\bullet$};
\node at (myand1.in 2) {$\bullet$};
\draw (Ah1) |- (myand2.in 2);

\foreach \Point in {(A1),(B1)}{
    \node [xshift=.2cm] at \Point {$\bullet$};

    \caption{วงจรลองจิกตามสมการ $X = A \cdot B + B \cdot A$}

This is my result.

enter image description here

The input line of the second AND gate does not connect to input A. I tried to create node name Ah1 with code \node (Ah1)[xshift=1cm] at (A1) {$\bullet$}; to make a node point. I draw a line with \draw (Ah1) |- (myand2.in 2);. However, a line does not connect to the Ah1 node.

Thank you for your suggestion in advance.


1 Answer 1


The drawing can be reduced further, but the main problem you have here is to try to use nodes with a $\bullet$ in it as a connection dot (called "poles" in circuitikz jargon). When you build a node, there is a separation (inner sep) between the content and the rest of the drawing, and this is the gap you see. So the best bet is to use the provided node[circ](name){} for adding the dots...

The minimal changes are these:

\usepackage[siunitx, RPvoltages]{circuitikz}
\begin{circuitikz}[circuitikz/bipoles/length=1cm, circuitikz/logic ports=ieee]

    (0,2)   node (myand1) [and port]{}
    (myand1.out)  node (Y1)[anchor=south west]  {$A \cdot B$}
    (myand1.in 1) -- ++(-1,0) node[circ](A1){} node[left]{$A$}
    (myand1.in 2) -- ++(-1,0) node[circ](B1){} node[left]{$B$}

    (0,1)         node (mynot1) [not port]{}
    (mynot1.out)  node (Ybar)   [anchor=south west]{}

    (2,0)   node (myand2) [and port]{}
    (myand2.out)  node (Y2)[anchor=south west,xshift=0.5cm,yshift=-0.5cm]  {$\overline{B} \cdot A$}
    (myand2.in 1) node (B2) [anchor=south east]   {$\overline{B}$}

    (4,1)   node (myor3) [or port]{}
    (myor3.out)  node (Y3)[anchor=south west]  {$A \cdot B + \overline{B} \cdot A$};

    %draw line
    \draw (myand1.in 2) node[circ]{} |- (mynot1.in);
    \draw ([xshift=-0.5cm]myand1.in 1) node[circ]{} |- (myand2.in 2);
    \draw (mynot1.out) |- (myand2.in 1) ;

    \draw (myand2.out) -| (myor3.in 2);
    \draw (myand1.out) -| (myor3.in 1);


enter image description here

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