I'm trying to create a mapping showing the flow of ideas in a course, something similar to this
However, whenever I try to create a long path connecting a topic with a subject, I get a "Dimension too large" error. I can't see that there's a math overflow error. It seems to be caused purely by the length of the path. In the MWE below, the troublesome line tries to connect Topic 1 to Subject 1. However, even if I try to connect Topic 1 to something further away than Section 3 (e.g. Section 2), I get the same error making me think the error has to do with the length of the path, yet I cannot see that such a restriction on path length exists in tikz.
\draw[help lines,xstep=1,ystep=1] (0,0) grid (115,70);
\foreach \x in {0,1,...,115} { \node [anchor=north] at (\x,0) {\small{\x}}; }
\foreach \y in {0,1,...,70} { \node [anchor=east] at (0,\y) {\small{\y}}; }
\node [anchor=west] at (1,66) {\small{Topic 1}};
\node [anchor=west] at (1,30) {\small{Topic 2}};
\draw (20,10) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 1}};
\draw (20,30) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 2}};
\draw (20,31) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 3}};
\draw (20,32) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 4}};
\draw (20,33) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 5}};
\draw (20,35) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 6}};
\draw (20,40) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 7}};
\draw (20,50) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 8}};
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,50);
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,40);
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,35);
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,33);
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,32);
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,31);
% \draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,30); % This line causes a "Dimensions too large" error
% \draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,10); % This line causes a "Dimensions too large" error
\draw (4.0,30) to [out=0, in=180] (20,10);
Any help getting around this error would be greatly appreciated. I'm probably missing something really obvious.
UPDATE So this is bizarre. Following a hint in an answer to this question Dimension too large error with too many tikz marks, I just asked pdflatex to continue compiling the document and the paths appeared. Using the tracingmacros and tracingcommands commands I think the "Dimensions too large" error seems to have something to do with \pgf@ya but I don't have time to dig deeper.
\draw (4.0,66) to [out=0, in=180] (20,50) node [anchor=west] {\small{Section 8}};