I'm quite new to LaTeX and struggling with the alignment in math mode. Is there any way to nicely align the bar in my equation:
We denote by
\text{OOB-MSE} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}(y_i - \bar{\widehat{y}}_{i \: \text{OOB}})^2,
the so-called out-of-bag mean square error, where $\overline{\widehat{y}}_{i \: \text{OOB}}$ is the averaged...
I also tried the command from another similar question (Aligning issue with overline) but it's much smaller than the overline bar and still not really aligned..
The first bar in the picture uses the \bar command and the second uses the \overline command. Both aren't nicely aligned.
package defines\widebar