So I played around a little bit recently and I noticed that empty lines between text and and a \begin{align}
produce a big vertical whitespace which is not the case with empty lines between text and \begin{equation}
, even though there might be a very subtle effect with equation, but I am not entirely sure. I do not have any issue with this, but I am curious as to why that happens. As far as I know, LaTeX does usually not ignore empty lines, to form paragraphs for example. So why does that seem to be the case when setting an empty line in front of an equation environment?
example code:
Line of text directly followed by "align"
a + b = c
Line of text followed by an empty line and then "align"
a + b = c
Line of text directly followed by "equation"
a + b = c
Line of text followed by an empty line and then "equation"
a + b = c
for single-line displayed equations, for which there's nothing to align to begin with?