The following MWE:





% \SI{a}{\cm} % Invalid token 'a' in numerical input

\SI[parse-numbers = false]{a}{\cm}


does not produce a in math-mode. enter image description here

(It all started here: Proper `siunitx` way of typesetting complex expressions)

Can someone advise what is the proper siunitx way of typesetting such expression?

Compiled on Overleaf:

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.21 (TeX Live 2020) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2020.9.10)  24 JUN 2021 16:31
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1 Answer 1


For v2, you will need to force-reset the math mode font: v3 doesn't need this as it has a better approach to printing.





\SI[parse-numbers = false]{\text{\ensuremath{a}}}{\cm}


This will work in v3 as well, but it's overkill: you don't need the \text{\ensuremath{...}} construct.

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