When I use the following code:





The caption is centered as I want it, e.g.,

enter image description here

But when I use this apa6 class, with the following code:





The caption is left-aligned, e.g.,

enter image description here

How can I use \documentclass{apa6} with centered captions? And what code in apa6 causes this to happen?

1 Answer 1


apa6.cls loads the caption package with the option singlelinecheck=off:


this option overrides the standard LaTeX behaviour (automatically center a caption if it fits in one single line). To change this, you can use \captionsetup:




Notice that this will center only captions that fit on one line; if you want to have all captions centered (whether they span one or more than one line), you can say


As a side note, it's preferable to use \centering inside the floating environments instead of the center environment (\centering doesn't add additional vertical space); also, I would suggest you not to use the too restrictive placement specifier [!h].


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